Bestatter Chemnitz

Funeral Floristry

Flower decorations are a common tradition for relatives and friends of the deceased to honor the dead and symbol of attachment and comfort.

Through attractive flower arrangements or wreaths, you can add a little colorful bright spot to the sad occasion of a funeral of the loved one. When choosing flowers, you can take into account the preferences of the deceased, for example, choose his favorite flowers.

Funeral decorations of a funeral usually include the coffin decoration or urn decoration, funeral wreaths and flower arrangements (flower wreaths). For the coffin decoration, the rose is particularly popular, as it is a sign of love and, due to its thorns, of pain at the same time.

The funeral wreath has a special significance at the funeral service or burial, as it is a symbol of infinity and the circle of life.

There are hardly any limits to your choice of floral decoration and florists will be happy to advise you.

